Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm not very consistent...

I haven't been very good at this lately... To be honest its because I've been smacking too much and eating crap so I've not been taking pictures.  It's in my mouth too quickly and by the time its gone I remember to take a picture...  I'm gonna start being good again.

So today I started with a sandwich thin.  Toasted.  One side had a laughing cow cheese and the other side had some sunflower seed butter.  It was tummy and a good start to my 16 mile training.  Well... 15.4.  But that's still long.

While walking I had a cliff Goo thing and a mini cliff bar.  Kept me going strong!

After I had half a banana and a coconut water. For lunch the smart ones you see in the pic below - it was actually good and tasty so that's good.  Still for lots of calories for a good dinner. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dinner and dessert

I think I forgot to post my apple earlier...

And did I mention my sees candy lollipop?  Mmmm.

Then dinner was a microwave low cal dinner thing. Veggie pizza bites.  They were really tasty.

Then dessert!  Skinny cow bar which I felt wasn't enough.. so I had a hundred calorie chocolate bar.  Again... That wasn't enough... So I had another chocolate bar.  The good thing with tracking your calories and sticking to it is having a stopping point.  My will power won today and I didn't go over my calories!  Even after splitting a cupcake at practice with Boots.  Another win!  And lots of chocolate.  Yum.


Breakfast and lunch.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Snack, dinner, snack and snack.

Let's see... Dried mango for a snack.  Then spinach bolani and a wheat sandwich thin with sauces and a laughing cow cheese for dinner.  You also see a little bit of honey goat cheese with 4 raisin rosemary crackers (from Trader Hors and my absolute fav cracker). Then a skinny cow caramel truffle bar for desert!  Felt quite satisfied and was still 200 under my calorie goal on my fitness pal.

Had Derby tonight but didn't skate much... Good thing I didn't go over my calories anyways!  Today was a food success.  Huzzah!

Day.... 8?

Breakfast, lunch, and a snack.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super bowl food.

Too lazy to go into detail today.  Half marathon gave me an excuse to eat crappy.  And eat crappy I did.  Back to healthy tomorrow!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dim sum!

Egg Custard - I think I had 3. lol.
Today was the Lion Dance for Chinese New Years at my preschool.  I already knew I was going to eat badly since my boss was bringing Dim Sum.  I'm over it.  :)  It was delicious and my belly after wasn't OVER full like it could have been so I'm happy with the amount I ate.  I could have eaten less and been fine... but, I could have eaten more and felt sick! ha.
More Dim Sum.  Sesame ball x 2 and Egg Roll x 3.


Burrito!  x2.  Cheese, beans, Sour Cream, Salsa.  YUM.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 5

Salad from Panera Bread for lunch
Sweet Potato - I ate about half
Snack time
I ate the left overs from lunch yesterday today.
I kinda skipped breakfast today accidentally and got super hungry by the time lunch rolled around.  I had plans to get my nails done and grab lunch after work so I just ate the left overs from lunch yesterday, some sweet potato, and a handful of nuts before heading to Panera Bread and getting half a salad.  Everything I ate during the day was low calories since I was going to see a movie and knew I wanted to eat a burrito for dinner.  I saved enough to order 2 itty bitty beanies.  :)  Picture to follow...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy birthday, RRG!!

see those chocolate cookies?  I ate half of one.  Seriously delicious. 

Day 4 Dinner and Snack

An apple with sunflower nut butter.  Yum!
A baked sweet potato.  Nothing added
After my horrible morning I managed to turn it around and not snack for the rest of the day.  Yay!  I was planning on having a salad for dinner... but, found out my spinach was old.  Baked sweet potato it is!  Because of all the crap I ate earlier I dont really feel all that hungry so the apple and sweet potato seems to be enough... now it's off to derby to burn off more calories.