Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dinner Day 3... and snacks... eek.

I forgot to take pictures of the food I ate last night... it started off fine for dinner, and then I got bored while watching tv and started snacking. *sigh*  I didnt end up going over my calorie goals since Kelley and I went running after work... but it definitely was a lack of will power day.  Did I need 2 ice cream bars and a small handful of dark chocolate?  No.  Definitely not.  But... I ate it.  I definitely need to just not have these items in the house.  Even if they're the lower calorie options and eating 1 is ok in my calorie restrictions, I apparently do not have the will power not to eat them. 

I think it's because when I'm alone, and I'm watching tv, throwing food into my mouth is a habit.  I get bored even though I'm technically doing something, but my hands aren't moving and eating just seems to be the thing to go with watching tv.  Anyone have any advice because I predict in the future that Wednesdays are going to be my challenging food days - my only alone tv night of the week.

Bolani for dinner, with sauces.  I didnt eat as much as this picture shows.  I had 1 bolani and a bit of the sauces.

Pretzel sticks and spicy mustard.  Again... I didnt eat this size portion, but close enough.

I had 2 of these suckers... delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Origami! Keeps your hands busy while watching tv! Or having other things around to snack on (I'm totally a snacker, too). I've actually found I'm more prone to snack on fruits/vegis if they're already cut up in the fridge, and thus snacky looking. Frozen dark cherries are an awesome way to get something sweet without it being bad for you, too.
